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Saturday 10 January 2015

Maxwell House & The Missing Game Mystery - In-game Footage

Apologies for yet another delay in updating the Amiga Gamer blog. I'd hoped to get a few posts under my belt over the Christmas period, but what with visiting relations, relaxing and having to work a few days in-between Christmas and the new year I soon ran out of time.

Anyway, the first blog update of 2015 details exciting progress with regards to Remainder Software's latest title "Maxwell House and The Missing Game Mystery".

You may recall my blog post back towards the end of November, where I updated you with the game's progress, and that following the addition of a new graphics artist things were progressing nicely. Since then work has continued, and as the final few hours of 2014 ticked down the Remainder Software team uploaded video footage of the latest game build in action.

While the video quality's not brilliant, it does help to give you a good idea of what the final game will hopefully play like.

The footage has been uploaded to the Remainder Software's Facebook page, but you can check it out below.

With a new year upon us it looks like work is continuing, as the latest post to the Remainder Software Facebook page shows;
"Maxwell Mouse And The Missing Game Mystery should finally be coming sometime next week... at last.  Just got to work on the full-length game now"
Naturally, as soon as anything further develops regarding this project I'll report back. In the meantime, I recommend you check out the Remainder Software Facebook page for a mass of in-game and development screenshots.

Maxwell House looks to be turning out to be rather nice indeed!

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